NGC 6559


 (ra: 18:10,0 / dec -24:06)



Joint work performed by Ezequiel Bellocchio and Sergio Eguivar from BA Suburbs





TYPE: Emission, Reflexion and Dark Nebula Complex


SIZE: 8 arc minutes. Image 32x 20 arc minutes

DISTANCE: 5.800 light years



NGC 6559 is surrounded by a complex and interesting region that includes a variety of objects. They are located at only one degree west from the Lagoon Nebula. The  bluish nebula next to the brilliant arc in the middle configure NGC 6559. Next to it, we can see the emission nebula (reddish) which contains young and hot stars. It is thought that the emission of radioactivity from those stars ionized the hydrogen protons producing a prominent brightness in the centre "arc shaped" cloud.

Barnard 303 is the "serpent shaped" dark nebula. It starts 3 arcs minutes from the brightest star in the photograph SAO 186366 with 7.6 magnitude. B 303 does not generate light, but absorbs the light of the hydrogen cloud which is more distant. This dark nebula spreads its path into 7 light years.

GN is showed in the upper mid left. A small galactic nebula (GN) strongly embedded in red

The image was jointly performed by Ezequiel Bellocchio using an unfiltered Starlight Xpress SXV M25 and a ARC 10 inches MEADE with a Lodestar camera and by Sergio Eguivar using a SXVF H9 with an Orion Short Tube and Ha Astronomik filter riding piggy back in SCT C8 and Vixen GPDX


SCOPES: MEADE SCT 10 for RGB / Orion Short Tube for Ha Vixen GPDX Mount, Sky Sensor 2000

SKY CONDITIONS: RGB Visual Magnitude 5. Ha Visual Magnitude 4

CAMERAS: Starlight Xpress SXV M25 for RGB / SXVF H9 for Ha

FILTERS: None for M25 / Astronomik Ha 6 nm for SXVF H9

EXPOSURES: HaRGB (16,45)  

GUIDING: MEADE SCT 10 Fork Mount with Starlight Xpress Lodestar camera over Takahashi Sky 90II / Vixen GPDX SCT C8 SXV Guide Head, AA 3.71 Control Camera Plug-in

PROCESSING: No darks, nor flats, nor offsets. Maxim (SD MASK) / ImagesPlus (Sigma Median Combine). Manual align for Bayer and Ha Channels combination. Richardson Lucy Deconvolution in Images Plus / Neat Image / Photoshop CS